Application for Approval Process for Training Establishments
How to request an Application for Approval
of On-The-Job (OJT) and Apprenticeship
Training Establishment
Interested business or training establishments can write us:
Mr. Larry Edwards
Department of Veterans Service
Floyd Veterans Memorial Bldg.
Suite E-970
Atlanta, Georgia 30334-4800
PH: 404-656-2306/2322
FAX: 404-657-6276
The letter should include:
- a statement requesting approval to train veterans under the provisions of Title 38, United States Code for On-The-Job or Apprenticeship training programs
- name(s) of program(s) for which you are requesting approval
- type of standard workweek
- a statement that the programs are described in Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards (Apprenticeships), or Training Program Outline (OJT Programs)
- name and phone number of contact person
- Training Request (VSO Form 55) see forms section or this web site