January 07, 2020
GDVS Appoints New Assistant Commissioner of Administration, Health and Memorials
Georgia Department of Veterans Service Commissioner Mike Roby recently appointed Mark Bannister as the department’s new Assistant Commissioner for Administration, Health and Memorials.
In this position, Bannister will be responsible for departmental administration that includes accounting and finance, annual operating budget, and support services, while overseeing GDVS construction programs at the state’s two war veterans’ homes and two state veteran cemeteries.
Before joining the department, Bannister served 20 years in the Army’s human resource management field from 1987 to 2007 and retired at the rank of Sergeant First Class (Promotable, E-8).
“Mark’s experience in Army personnel matters and the knowledge gained during his past four years in Operations dealing with the complex day to day functions of GDVS makes him well suited for this position,” said Commissioner Roby.
Bannister joined GDVS in 2007 as a Veteran Education & Training Coordinator in Georgia’s State Approving Agency for Post 911 GI Bill matters. He worked in that capacity until he was selected as Director of Operations in January 2015.
He served in various unit level assignments during his military career, from Personnel Service Center NCOIC to Brigade Personnel NCOIC and later Corps-level G-1 Personnel Strength/Branch Manager.
His assignments included tours in the Military District of Washington, Korea, Germany, Kuwait, Iraq, and Fort Benning. He was awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious service while deployed in a combat zone in Iraq in 2003.
Bannister is a graduate of the Army’s Advanced Non-Commissioned Leadership Course, Hagerstown Community College, and Thomas Edison State University. He also holds a master’s degree in human resource management from Columbia Southern University.
Bannister is an avid Pittsburgh Steelers fan and enjoys exercising and cycling.
He and his family live in Conyers.
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For more information on the content of this news release, please contact the GDVS Public Information Division at 404-656-5933 or gavetsvc@vs.state.ga.us.