On Friday, September 18, Americans will pause to reminisce on the service and sacrifice of the thousands of brave military service members held as prisoners of war and those who remain missing in action.

As a nation, we must acknowledge the great personal sacrifices of those who were held as prisoners of war and we must never forget to honor the memories of those who never came home and remain missing in action.

Over 1,300 courageous Georgians never returned home after answering the call to serve their country.

One from the Cold War. Twenty-eight from the Vietnam War. 155 from the Korean War. 364 from World War II. Thousands of WWI unrecoverable deep-sea losses.

These brave men and women stand out as some of the finest examples of the American spirit and citizenship in American history.

They answered a call to duty and chose to serve a cause greater than themselves in the pursuit of liberty and justice for all. They answered the call to serve their nation knowing the pursuit of enduring peace may require the ultimate personal sacrifice.

While we can never fully repay the debt we owe these dedicated men and women, we will continue striving to remain worthy of their sacrifice.

We cannot forget to acknowledge the courageousness and unwavering determination of their families and friends who are still hopeful to be reunited and wait for any news of their loved one.

We thank you for your patriotism and courage in the face of uncertainty. We thank you for all you and your families have given to our country.

Let us remember and never forget their service. May God forever watch over and protect them and their families.

-Commissioner Mike Roby
 Georgia Department of Veterans Service